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🛠 Constructor

📝 Syntax

// Passing only size as an argument
MovingAveragePlus<class TypeOfArray> yourAverageName(size_t size);
// Or, also, passing a value to initialize the array
-Deprecated- MovingAveragePlus<class TypeOfArray> yourAverageName(size_t size, TypeOfArray initialize);
  • Template parameter. TypeOfArray is the type of the array elements.
  1. Passing only size as an argument.

    The class will create an array with the size passed as an argument and, by default, all positions will initialize with 0.

  2. -Deprecated- Passing size and initializer value as argument.

🔮 Example

// This will create an MovingAverage of size 10 and unsigned type
MovingAveragePlus<unsigned int> intAverage(10);

⏱ Complexity

  • If the option "1." is used, the complexity will be constant (O(1)).
  • -Deprecated- Although, if using the option "2.", complexity will be linear (O(n)) in the array size passed as an argument.