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💾 Installation

PlatformIO Installation​

  1. Open PlatformIO Core CLI
  2. Change directory (cd) to the PlatformIO project where platformio.ini is located.
  3. Install Data Tome library by running:
pio pkg install --library "alexandrehiroyuki/DataTome"

Manual Installation on Arduino IDE​

  1. Clone the repository and download the zip file at Also, you can see and download all releases at
  2. Drag and drop it on Arduino/libraries/ folder.
  3. Include it on your code.
#include <DataTome.h>

💡 Getting Started​

  1. You can easily try out the library by running the example code.
  2. Just open the subfolder DataTome/examples/.
  3. Then try compiling the moving_average_print.ino.
  4. Open the serial monitor.
  5. Then see the array magically moving and calculating it average!

📦 Data Tome Methods​

The DataTome classes abstracts the implementation of a circular array in order to calculate the arithmetic average of its members. Because it is a circular array, the next input will replace the oldest element (represented by the first index), so it is also possible to call it a FIFO queue.

If you are used to the C++ Standard Library, it will be easier to learn the methods since they follow the same pattern of name and logic.

Click on the link below to see more about the class methods.